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fuck bogner

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 5:06 pm
by robroe

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 5:55 pm
by Doog

They're only priced like that because some people (if you can call them people) are prepared to pay that much- Mesa/Boogie 2x12s go for a similar penny.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 6:06 pm
by Gabriel
Its such a rip-off, I mean the quality of their stuff is great but its no-where near justifiable to be that price.

Although second hand they go for more sensible prices, I know a guy that got a Mesa Mark IV for £800 and a Mesa 4x12 for £400.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 6:14 pm
by samuelcotterall
Would that sound any better than a Marshall cab loaded with a couple of Celestion Vintage 30s?

Sure as hell doesn’t look any better.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 6:18 pm
by Nick
And I bet almost anything I would hate the way that sounds.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 9:10 pm
by Rhysyrhys
What if it was that good ]though? Why aren't companies being called on plagarism if they are just charging that much extra for absolutely nothing?

I'm generally just playing devils advocate here, I don't even had a branded cab - I made mine out of birch ply and some G100s I got secondhand, but surely if its priced £800, then it's 800 quid for a reason. It makes me wonder why certain all guitar companies haven't realised that maybe they could charge this much and get away with it. Or is Bogner doing something really different?

I ramble, but you get my point? (I'm not defending Bogner in anyway btw, just opening up some channel of discussion because I'm stumped about why a company can charge this much for generally bog standard stuff and that there not being called cunts by everyone en masse or if there is actually some truth to the reason its so extortionate...)

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 9:20 pm
by the isaac eaton
I really like mesa cabs, I think they are worth the high price they charge, their builds are superior to any other cabinets out there and they sound fantastic. If I played head and cab I would probably have an avatar cab because thats what I could afford and they are highly customizable, BUT if I could afford it, mesa cabinets all the way.

as far as bogner, i love their heads and the alchemist series, but I have no experience with their cabinets, but its possible to be worth that much money, sure its a lot for 2 fucking speakers in a box, but to some people its worth it.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 9:36 pm
by Billy3000
I think what people are complaining about is that you could get a marshall 212 with the same speakers in it and probably made of the same wood for much much less than that. With boutique amps I understand the huge price, because of the sheer cost of components that go into those amps being expensive for smaller companies that aren't ordering in as huge of quantities as the bigger amp companies are. But I really don't understand the huge price difference on cabs. You could buy those speakers, same wood and tolex, and have a great cab for half the price.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 10:37 pm
by samuelcotterall
Rhysyrhys wrote:What if it was that good ]though? Why aren't companies being called on plagarism if they are just charging that much extra for absolutely nothing?

I'm generally just playing devils advocate here, I don't even had a branded cab - I made mine out of birch ply and some G100s I got secondhand, but surely if its priced £800, then it's 800 quid for a reason. It makes me wonder why certain all guitar companies haven't realised that maybe they could charge this much and get away with it. Or is Bogner doing something really different?

I ramble, but you get my point? (I'm not defending Bogner in anyway btw, just opening up some channel of discussion because I'm stumped about why a company can charge this much for generally bog standard stuff and that there not being called cunts by everyone en masse or if there is actually some truth to the reason its so extortionate...)
I guess it’s a mixture of knowing people will pay a premium for the name and not wanting to “devalue the brand� by making something you see at your local pub gig, plugged into some £200 solid-state head.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 11:03 pm
by paul_
Most 2x12s are too expensive.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:16 am
by DGW
Billy3000 wrote:I think what people are complaining about is that you could get a marshall 212 with the same speakers in it and probably made of the same wood for much much less than that. With boutique amps I understand the huge price, because of the sheer cost of components that go into those amps being expensive for smaller companies that aren't ordering in as huge of quantities as the bigger amp companies are. But I really don't understand the huge price difference on cabs. You could buy those speakers, same wood and tolex, and have a great cab for half the price.
I like the Avatar 2x12 semi open of both worlds and built very well and priced for the workin man with tone to boot

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 3:15 am
by mickie08
I am not a fan of high end cabinets, but there are some real reason they are more expensive. The fit and finish is better, the tolex often is higher quality, and plywood used is usually void free, they are usually better sealed, often times slight oversized, and sometimes even have sound foam inside of them for better bass response and tone. If you are going for that really tight rythym sound that alot of the same people who love bogner or mesa go for, all this makes a difference and is very discernable in person. That said, if you like more of a fender or even a classic marshall tone, the a marshall or avatar will do just fine for alot less.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:48 pm
Rhysyrhys wrote:What if it was that good ]though? Why aren't companies being called on plagarism if they are just charging that much extra for absolutely nothing?
Because that's not what plagiarism is. :wink:

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 8:00 pm
by hotrodperlmutter
i think i got my vox wharfdale cab a few years ago for like $300 shipped brand new. couldn't justify spending the extra $500 for the celestion blues.

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 2:44 pm
by Chicago Mike
I've owned a marshall 1936 and a bogner 2x12 (much different speakers) but I'd say that the price was damn near worth the difference in it's sound and construction. I got them both used on craigslist, think the marshall was $300 and the bogner was $500 but with my 800 on top, there was no question it sounded bigger and more clear.

I wouldn't buy a new one because I don't believe it was worth that cost at all, but in a used market I'd go with it. I had a vintage series avatar 2x12 with g12-h30s and it was just as good as my bogner in every way. Only difference was it didn't have the angled speakers inside, which would have been nice but wasn't a must have.

Those bogner cabs are heavy though, and you getting into a 1960a cab size/feel which is something to consider too.